Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013

Behind the scene of SECRET GARDEN

Behind the scene of SECRET GARDEN

Monday 8:00 am Bondi. I am just walking in to Sharmins house when her little doggy almost attacks me with all his love. He likes licking feet, and Karla the model doesn't like it at all. Well...
Sharmin is our little organizer and she runs around with her to do list. While the girls try on the outfits I have a chat with Hair-Stylist Lauren. We talk about us turning 30 at almost the same time in a few weeks ( not scary) and about her new hair studio...exciting.
Karla our Brazilian model is trying on the black leather skirt which we love but in the end didn't pick for the photos. The models get frocked with so many amazing outfits that are mostly from the brand Rodeo Show.
After two hours of hair and make up we are ready for our jungly location "Readleaf" in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. Shooting outside next to a pond for a few hours causes a lot of mossi bites and a bit of sunburn thanks to the Australian sun. But besides all that we created some great images. Yeah to that :) Check them out on the 9th of February.

Here a tiny sneak peek behind the scene of "Secret Garden"


Josie Farquharson Photography

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